Get Involved

It takes many loving hands to accomplish the mission that we have embraced.

Hand-To-Hand sends you a warm thank you in advance for your caring support of our mission!


  • Saturday from 7:30am-11:30am at 1533 4th Street Santa Monica, CA (Enter through alley)

  • Please use this form to register:



We appreciate your intention to donate to Hand to Hand.  Your contributions are an important part of continuing our mission.  Your donations are tax-deductible as allowable by law, as we are a Non Profit 501(c)3 (IRS tax ID # 95-4209906).

  • Make a financial contribution to continue our efforts. A donation receipt will be mailed to you if you provide an address with your check, or e-mailed to you for donations through Pay Pal.

  • As an all volunteer organization, 100% of donations go directly to purchasing food or quality of life items (new socks, razors, toiletries, etc). Each hot meal costs $2.50 each, so a $50 donation will serve 20 guests.

If you would like to mail a check you can make the check payable to:

Hand to Hand

10736 Jefferson Blvd #744

Culver City, CA  90230

- Or -

You can make a secured electronic donation on the donation tab.

Lets stay in touch! Fill out the form and one of our program directors will get back to you!